Exercises in Daring

FIND MY VOICE, FORGIVE MY STUTTER: my works-in-progress

Saturday, June 30, 2007


pandora opened her mouth
and that was the hole out which came hope
and those were the words, the phantoms, the 123456
that became language
that became bibles
that became all of this

sounds, uttered in the eating of man
chewing, tearing, hunger became the words
which is all nothing except the spit, the shit, the spit, the shit of society

what we call society
what we call 10000000000000000000 human beings
who have idea enough to call themselves human beings
and language enough to utter those sounds
and people enough to propogate


ii and then t
w and then h and then aaaaaa
tell it to me like i am a baby
tell me the ha the ha ha the halves that become wholes the ho the hope
tell me the rhymes that become rhythms and castles that become law

all of the molecules
tell me about those molecules

i am the hole between the words
you are the hole between my thoughts
we are the space between our lives

the true
le trou

i eat
and i eat
and i eat
and i eat
and i eat
and i eat

i eat myself into me.